Monday, January 23, 2012

How are you suppose to read the new zodiac signs?

I was a scopio and now i'm a libra. so, what gives? does this mean all along i should have been reading horoscopes for a libra? and am i suppose to read the libra now or what?? anyone care to explain to me?How are you suppose to read the new zodiac signs?
Yes I will care to explain it to you, if you are willing to understand that it is actually more complicated than you thought it was.

'New', is not the right term here.

This "new" zodiac order (also known as sidereal astrology) has been going on for thousands of years now.

Today, many people follow Tropical (aka western) astrology, which does not include Ophiuchus like Sidereal astrology.

That is because to Tropical astrology, Ophiuchus does not count as a real zodiac sign, since they do not depend upon constellations, but degrees. Sidereal astrology believes Ophiuchus is a zodiac sign, and they have already incorporated this several years ago.... so why is this news so popular all of a sudden?

Astrologers and astronomers have decided to leave alone the differences between sidereal astrologies beliefs and tropical astrologies beliefs.

Except one astronomer who decided it was time to publicly announce to the world that everyones sign is all wrong, and confuse the public who have always followed Tropical astrology.

Even though many do not know what tropical or western astrology is, that is because people want simple direct theories. Who the hell would believe there are two kind of astrologies suddenly, right? You have to give people a clear explanation to actually make them understand, but these days no one has time to give any explanation. The best we can do is put out a few reliable sources out there and hope people will be willing to research them on their own, instead of waiting for answers to come to them. That is why there are people like me, who do all this research for hours and answer questions like this that have been going on for several several several long hours.How are you suppose to read the new zodiac signs?
i'm pissed off too, i used to be a virgo but now i'm on the border of leo and virgo. i'm not sure which one i am! you should go by your old horoscope, i read mine everyday and the virgo one always described me. my cousin has an aries tattoo on her foot but now she's a pisces... xDHow are you suppose to read the new zodiac signs?
same here! its so wierd!

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