Monday, January 23, 2012

How to remove a ring on my Zodiac counter top?

We had a pan with baked on food so I made a paste of baking soda and water to remove the stuck on food. I left the pan for a couple of days, not realizing some of the baking soda water had gone over the edge and settled under the pan. When I washed the pan I noticed a ring that is lighter than the rest of the counter top where it had been sitting. When I rub my hand over the surface I can feel, in places, an "edge" when I cross back over to the rest of the counter top so it seems that maybe the finishing layer was eaten by the baking soda. Since the circle is about 12" in diameter and next to the sink it's not something I can hide with creative home decor.

Does anyone know how to fix this without having to replace the section of counter top?How to remove a ring on my Zodiac counter top?
Not sure what a Zodiac counter top is made of, but I would suggest fine grade automotive polishing compound and hand rub the affected area then wax with a good grade of all purpose paste wax.

You may want to get a real close look with a strong magnifying glass to see exactly what the problem is first. Baking soda is not caustic so it may simply be a case of needing a good polishing.How to remove a ring on my Zodiac counter top?
Try Martha Stewart or Bob Vila. (cksq)

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