Thursday, January 19, 2012

What zodiac signs do you usually like and dislike?

%26amp; What sign are YOU?

I've noticed many of my closest friends have been Cancer's, Leo's and Gemini's.

Dislike: eh, I don't know.

I'm a Pisces.What zodiac signs do you usually like and dislike?
I love pisces, my best friend is a pisces. And I love tauruses, my other bff is a taurus. I get along with libras too. I don't really get along with leos or other scorpios or hard headed idiots.
I don't dislike any signs as of such.
I get well with all water signs cancer, scorpio and pisces.
And earth signs as well taurus, virgo, capricorn

Aries stubborness and virgo' s analytical ability drives me up the roof.
Though one of my close friend has virgo as his moon sign.
Sagittarius at times is too blunt.

But who am i to judge considering my pisces sign makes most of my friends insaneWhat zodiac signs do you usually like and dislike?
Your question is multimeaning not clear, every have its governing %26amp; Like ..Dislike accordingly, There are 12 signs Which represent 9 planets, 27 Nakshtars, calculating in detail LIKE %26amp; Dislike is decided.Personal information about any one in Yahoo Answer not necessar to give. Cancer,Leo,Gemini dislike U, U r pisces, Without knowing ur asc %26amp; status of the other planets this too cant be suggwsted satishfactory with DOB.Send DOB
I get a long with all signs.But if have to admitt...secretly...these signs wear me out:

Virgo ( Ex) ~ This is how they say I Love you...appear and disappear like a magician.And when you say goodbye to them.They have their quiet little tantrums.I know it's rare..they are always impeccable and in control so sometimes i feel a bit suprised when he acts out.But i have my venus in scorpio so..yeah i think i stung him or something ahh i don't know grr!NEXT!

Pieces (Hubby) ~ Completely adore him,pieces are extremely patient people.It just tires me out when sometimes i have to bring him back to earth.There's something very distant and dreamlike about pieces people.It's truly beautiful.But it wears me out when i go about things the way i usually do.So i have to compromise...a lot.....unfortunately.

Cancer ( Dad) ~ Too motherly.Thanks dad but i can't handle two mother's nurturing instincts on me.If no effort is made to resist this mothering habit of a cancer i will have to resort to stuffing my face with chocolate bon bons,triple libra style. It's wonderful to have a dad that always protects you like..well i can't really find anything to compare it with i guess his just doing his job but i MUST insist that he is indeed overly protective..and what's with cancers and their eyes. It's like watery and tender and loving.But just when you think you can have your way with them they bloody lay it all out to you and shut you down stupid.What zodiac signs do you usually like and dislike?
I don't really dislike any of the signs but out of all the signs, I enjoy Aries, Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius' company and mind the most.

Sometimes, Geminis and Leos are too bubbly for me, which irritates me, sometimes.
Im a Cancer and a lot of my friends are Aries, Virgo, Leo, Capricorn and Libra. Most of the people I don't get along with are Gemini and Sagittarius.
I usually befriend Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and on occasion a Sagittarius.
There really is no sign I don't like. I'm a Leo.
I'm a Sagittarius, I seem to like pieces, Aries and Sagittarius.
And apparently I don't like Scorpios, pieces (at times) annnd Aquarius
Like ; Pisces %26amp; Cancer.

Dislike ; Tauruses %26amp; Sagittariuses.

My sign ; Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, %26amp; rising Aries.
I'm a Sag. My closest friends are a Leo and a couple Virgos. They've stuck around the longest.

Usually, although not all of the time, people who really irritate me turn out to be Aries.
I attract Leos', Pisces, Virgos, Geminis'.

I like all signs.
I dislike none.
i'm a pisces

i like capricorn, scorpio, cancer, taurus

i dislike gemini, aries
Scorpio's and Pisces'
Sagittarius' (I usually REALLY like em, or REALLY hate em)

Don't really dislike any.

My sign is Leo

Likes: Gemini's and Aries

Dislikes: Aquarius for sure! Because well they've just been known to make me mad LOL

hope I helped :)
I know certain people i dont like put i dont really thing theres a sign i dislike.

Most of my close friends are Gemini's Leo's and Aries'.

Im a Scorpio
I like people if they are good to me. I dnt judge them by zodiac signs .
Im a Pisces

Male 23

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