Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sagittarius male compatibility with female of all 12 zodiac signs?

Can someone please provide me with information on a Sagittarius male's compatibility with females of all twelve zodiac signs?Sagittarius male compatibility with female of all 12 zodiac signs?
In general, based solely on your Sun sign, you get along well with other fire signs, Aries and Leo.

You also get along with air signs, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

However, compatibility depends on many many other aspects as well.Sagittarius male compatibility with female of all 12 zodiac signs?
Basically it is very vast.compatibility System based on birth star(27);Each star has 4parts(108);So 108 with 108 star part combination--;

But normally Sagittarius with other 12signs compatibility veg yet as under shown;

with Aries-50%-71%;With Taurus-20-50 percent; with Gemini-40-70 percent;Cancer-35-70 percent; Leo-40-80 percent;Virgo-30-70 percent; Libra-30-70 percent;Scorpio-35-68- percent;-Capricorn-20-55 percent; Aquarius-40-75 percent;Pices-38-*72 percent; Sagittarius specially 50-100 percent(but first part of star totally avoidable for marriage its risky;;

My request n suggestion try to ask micro,short, useful ,n recently working so that we may spare for

others or avilable for next.i think don't mind pl.

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