Saturday, January 14, 2012

Which degree in which constellation would make a perfect opposition to where Chiron is located now in zodiac?

also, how does Chiron influence someone when in opposition to natal moon , sun?

how differant for each?

what about other planets?

please explain.

Thanks for your anwers!Which degree in which constellation would make a perfect opposition to where Chiron is located now in zodiac?
You're not asking an easy question...From what point of the Earth are you talking about? What time is it on that specific point?

Edit: Let's say it's 4:45 PM in Antwerp, Belgium (my home city)

-Chiron is at this moment 23 18'31" degrees in Aquarius in the 6th house so turning this point into an opposition would mean it's positioned in the sign of Leo in the 12th house.

"How soes Chiron influence someone when in opposition to natal moon , sun?"

-Bad aspects between Chiron and another planet could probably indicate that one has to go through a learning experience first in order to grow, but while the person doesn't want to go through that experience it means it's blocked which makes the learning experience a tough one.

When the Sun is in opposition to chiron it could mean that the EGO in a person is very low. Chiron is about your wounds and when it makes an opposing threat to the sun it could mean you're suffering from ego problems. especially when chiron is located in Leo. It could also mean the father of the person has a lack of ego or wasn't around much at birth.

When the Moon gets in opposition with chiron it could mean that this time your FEELINGS are blocked. For instance you could have a mother which shows very few feelings to her children or it could also indicate having an unpleasant mother.Which degree in which constellation would make a perfect opposition to where Chiron is located now in zodiac?
Hi it is good you want to know things but if you ask lots of questions in one go, people would not know how to answer them.

If you go to or these websites could help you I hope.

good luck!

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