Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who in the zodiac has the hardest time finding a soul mate?

biased on their traits and ways who has the hardest time falling in love and who has the hardest time meeting their soul mate?

i myself am a Taurus and find it difficult.

but i have taken an interest in a leo.Who in the zodiac has the hardest time finding a soul mate?
I don't know for sure. I think the mutable signs though.
well being a gemini I vote gemini :(

everytime I find love I don't want it anymore...

I love chasing guys and flirting and getting them to fall in love with me but as soon as they show interest they don't turn me on like they use to.

I DON'T USE THEM FOR ANYTHING AND I DON'T EVEN TRY TO LEAD THEM ON but when they start to like me I spazz and move on to the next one.Who in the zodiac has the hardest time finding a soul mate?
Pisces because sometime we don't look at the reality of situation. Hence, we see what we want to see. For instance, my first love was a cancer. I loved him more than life itself. However, I was looking through rose colored glasses. Everyone else saw him as being manipulative, selfish, lazy, dishonest and a whore. I didn't want to see that because well he was the love of my life. Once I realized who I was truly dealing with it hurt like hell. I still struggle with it everyday since we were together for 6 years. least this Aries.... =(

Girls around my age are hard these days....most of them don't want a soul mate yet....

They just want to date and keep dating for a long time...having sex whenever and w/ whoever.

Don't feel like they want to comitt.

I have no problem falling in love. Its just a decent woman is hard to get nowadays for me. I'm old fashion. Courtship dating...have a gf to potentially wooWho in the zodiac has the hardest time finding a soul mate?
i'm not going to say my own sign because that's to cliche i'm an Aquarius and we push love away lol so if we wanted we could have it .

i'd have to say capricorn because they don't open up (like my sign) or share what on their minds they arn't trusting with others and that makes them scared of the idae of love but they dream of it... it's just getting hurt is the main issue. so they need someone who is possesive

( i hate poeple that are possesive lol i need my freedom)

I'm not sure, but some would say Gemini. Gemini males would continue to search even after the relationship works, as Gemini girls are a little prone to men who would use them as a fling rather than a real love interest. But some Geminis find what they are looking for after a little while.
Hmm, good question, but I don't know which sign would be most serious or picky or uncompromising to wait for his/her soulmate... =) Well, maybe Earth signs are likely to be like that, they are stubborn... Virgos are said to be old maids quite often...

Guess, it depends on the personality and fate, not sign...
sagittarius finds a soul mate or a lover anhd will not settle down. We arent good in relationships idk why anyknow know why?
Virgo. It's the sign with the largest number of bachelors.
Virgo Gemini or Capricorn
Aquarius ):
Earth signs especially Virgo
I think Capricorns because of their shy, reserved, and laidback nature
Aries pisces cusp :(
maybe libra or gemini, bc they change their minds so often.

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