Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What is your zodiac sign and how important are those people to you who have similar taste in music?

for me its very important, as i cannot entertain justin bibers and jonas brothers fan, i mean i just can't talk with them about music and bands that i like and what i think about the songs etc and that would be so stupid anyway so i cannot imagine my life without music. I love rock and roll so i need friends who also enjoy rock and roll and not some crappy music like gaga and bullshit, What do you think?

~ Aquarius|||i take it you're also a Sabbath fan :) love that song

i also get along better with ppl who are into the stuff i like,metalheads all share the same attitude and we're like a religious group or something,so yeah it is important to me since i have more fun and understand ppl who are into the stuff im into.|||First of all, everyone is entitled to listen to and like whatever music of their own choosing. You can't force someone to adore what you, personally view as great music. You know why? it's because it would be a very boring and depressing world to live in, if everyone liked the same music. That's why I see it as a positive thing, that everyone has different tastes. And besides it would take the complete fun and joy out of coming across, and discovering new and great music that you've never heard of before. But yes even I admit, that it's always great to come across someone who shares similar tastes to your own.

- Libra, who is not afraid to admit that she doesn't mind Lady Gaga and, I'm the type who doesn't mind certain heavy metal either ;-)|||As a pisces, I am into anything that no one else is into. Its not done on purpose either. I just seem to like a variety of different and unique music. I like the Artists who are not considered MAINSTREAM (lil wayne, Drake, Lady Gaga (i actually kinda like her though) Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber- ugh... etc...I seriously can go on, but, I'll leave at this.) My type of music is a bit old sckool I might add, but its good music in my opinion. And people who have similar taste in music are considered important to me*LOL* Example of Artists I like; (Just for added emphasis) Common, Erykah Badu, Lupe Fiasco, Jill Scott, Mos Def, Q-tip (A Tribe Called Quest), B.O., Pete Rock %26amp; CL Smooth, Slum village( a classic...) I also like Nora Jones and Fiona Apple*

AGAIN, the list of artists that i'm into does not end here...As an open-minded person, I happen to have a variety of different and unique music that I like listening to...These are just a few of them~~~|||I find this to be a very interesting question. A few years back I remember reading somewhere that couples get along best with people who share the same music taste as them, and if two people have totally different tastes in music, their personalities will clash. I have found this to be EXCEPTIONALLY true for me. I can't entertain Jonas Brothers and Bieber people either LOL, but I love hip hop and pop music. I do get along better with people who share my music taste, I'll tell you that much. I don't know why, but it is quite fascinating.|||You should say "ESPECIALLY" Justin bieber fans lol, whatever works for people, works for them! But i need to be around people with the same taste as me or at least some different taste that i like, I take music as a way to express yourself or sometimes it could tell something about who you are, therefore my friends have tastes that are like mine or even different tastes that i could tolerate.

I am Aquarius too|||I am a Scorpio. I don't care what kind of music others like, as long as they don't subject me to it. I know what I like and if they don't like my music, it's no matter to me. I don't go out to bars anymore. I listen to my music at home and in my car. I don't blast my music to annoy others - unlike some people who have to play that rap garbage so loud it vibrates their cars and the windows in peoples' homes. No respect for others. Rap is not music - it is noise. Takes no talent to talk to sound, wave your fingers and hands around and in the videos, hump to the beat. A dog can do that, without music. I'd like to see these guys in a philharmonic orchestra. Ha.

BUT - if that is what they want to listen to - go for it - just don't bother me with it. I don't bother you. that is my main issue - having no respect for others.|||I'm a Virgo, and even though I try not to let it get to me, I have trouble respecting people with really bad taste in music (in my opinion anyways). I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but I avoid the mainstream, over-played radio singles. I tend to have an easier time getting along with people who are similar.|||it IS very frustrating. i only listen to rock n roll also and the guy i was with for 5 years listened to mainly only rap. i didn't care so much that he listened to rap, but i hated the fact that i couldn't really share my music with him, or that we couldn't appreciate the same thing, it was like a gap there. hated it. definitely a requirement since him.

aqua|||OMG they must loveeee my music. theres nothing more thrilling then driving around with a new cd and a pal that is LOVING every moment of it.

Virgo/Libra Cusp ..Libra Rising ..|||I'm a Cappy and personally it doesn't matter to me, I'm an open minded person (an astrological contradiction, haha). All of my friends have complete different taste of music from one of another but we all get along.|||I'm a Cancerian, and as long as people don't force me to like the same music they love, I'll get along OK with them in the music side. Heck, they may even spark my appreciation for the music they enjoy.|||i am a piscean male ,i love music but not ldy gaga and modern, my mom is an aquarius who also loves the same music as me.|||Lols this is going to be a such a Libra answer, but I can't help it, it's what I am.

I listen to everything! EVERYTHING! I mean, I have other Libras telling me that my variety in music is wider than theirs and Libras love variety.

Now in high school, I liked music that made me different. I wanted to be so different so I could stand out, so I didn't really like anyone else's music, but that didn't bother me. But I hated the cliche stuff on the radio, back then. But now I don't care. Everything minus the heavy rock (I'm the light and fluffy Libra, I can't take the heavy metal) is good to me. Words and melody are what I favor the most, but if it's something with a beat that makes me want to dance, I'll take that too. Rap, depends for me, I don't listen to it a lot because it gets old fast.

I love my sister's taste in music, because she gets to the good stuff before it's even known for being good. She's a leo btw. My Scorpio friend tends to ride on the cliche side of music (she likes the dance/pop, I'm a bad-*ss music), but every now and then that's cool. My roommate from my freshman year of college had amazing taste in music, which heavily influenced my general taste now, she was a Pisces, and her music was soft and flowy. It was mostly indie, which appealed to my Libra taste. My ex who was a Taurus, listened to stuff slow blues-like music which wasn't my taste but the words that went along with it, were adorable and touching.

I don't care what my friends listen to, but as long as they don't tell me what to listen to, because I'm a Libra, I need to keep moving.

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