Saturday, January 14, 2012

Can you list both good things and bad things about each zodiac sign?

Positive/Negative Arian

On the positive side Arians are courageous, dynamic, enthusiastic and confident. On the negative side, they can become irritable and impatient. Arians should learn to control their temper by laughing at their own mistakes.

Positive/Negative Taurean

Taureans are determined, diligent and cautious. Even so determination can sometimes veer towards obstinacy. Taureans. They should use their stubbornness in a positive way to help them achieve their goals.

Positive/Negative Gemini

Geminis are good communicators, versatile and multitalented. They can become easily agitated and worried and should try to control their nerves.

Positive/Negative Cancer

Cancerians are sensitive, loving and imaginative. Moodiness is often a problem especially around the time of the full moon! Cancerians can also be over-protective in their close relationships.

Positive/Negative Leo

Generous, warm-hearted and affectionate, Leos spread warmth wherever they go. They can also be over dramatic, constantly seeking attention. Leos should direct their positive qualities through leadership and entertainment.

Positive/Negative Virgo

Virgos have an inborn talent to handle details. They love neatness and order but should guard against being over-critical and curb a perfectionist trait.

Positive/Negative Librans

Librans are charming, cheerful, courteous and easy-going. There may however be a tendency towards self-indulgence and resentfulness. Librans should aim to be more direct and fair as vagueness can cause confusion in others.

Positive/Negative Scorpios

Scorpios are intense, intuitive, sexy and seductive. On the negative side they can be suspicious and overly secretive.

Positive/Negative Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an open, honest and broad-minded sign. They enthusiastically pursuit their goals and are fair and just in their dealings. Their negative traits include: recklessness, impatience and wastefulness.

Positive/Negative Capricorn

The disciplined, hard-working and cautious Capricorn can also be ruthless, pessimistic and harsh. Sometimes they should try forgetting about rationality and going with what's in their heart.

Positive/Negative Aquarius

Aquarians are individualistic, inventive and intellectual. They will enthusiastically get involved in anything for the good of other people. On the negative side they can be unemotional and unpredictable.

Positive/Negative Pisces

Pisceans are imaginative, sensitive and caring but they can get easily misdirected. Pisceans should always remember patience is a virtue.Can you list both good things and bad things about each zodiac sign?
Astrology Isn't Real .

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